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Feminist Novels ( suspence)
Bankole, O. | The Edge of Water
Russell-Wharton, N. | Breaking Generational Silence
de Robertis, C. | So Many Stars
Vinson, A. | Under the Neon Lights
Sosa, M. | When Javi Dumped Mari
Smith, L. | Jamaica Road: A Novel
Alkhatib, R. | Hot Date!
Daley-Ward, Y. | The Catch
Khalidi, R | The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
Jenkins, B. | Indigo
Butler, J. | Who's Afraid of Gender?
Kuang, R. | Babel
Shakur, P. | When They Tell You To Be Good
Imara, N. | Painting the Cosmos
Glaude Jr., E. | Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul
Glaude Jr., E. | Begin Again