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Latino/Hispanic is NOT a Race Campaign.

Updated: May 24, 2023

"The personal is political." - Feminist Mantra.

Bookish Fam,

Please join me in raising awareness, supporting and resisting the government's attempt to conflate ethnicity with race in an effort to advance racist politics.

Cafe con Libros is proud to support the "Latino/Hispanic is NOT a Race" Campaign. We are joining this fight simply because ethnicity is not a race. As I have said 1000x, I am racially Black and ethnically Latinx. Conflating the two will completely erase my historical truth as a descendent of the Atlantic Slave Trade whose final drop off point was the Antilles and Central America. This policy will also serve to further divide an already divided community by reinforcing caste via race. And, will eventually be weaponized to advanced the racist policies of the folx behind the change.

Not on our watch. And certainly, not without a strong fight.

Please watch the inaugural campaign event held on March 9, 2023, visit the website, sign up for the newsletter and attend the upcoming event on Monday, March 27, 2023 at Stuart Cinema in Brooklyn to learn more and join the fight.

What is "Latino/Hispanic is NOT a Race" Campaign:

A national coalition of Afro-Latino scholars, activists, and organizations oppose initial proposals from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to change federal standards for the collection of race and ethnicity data that could reduce the counting of Afro-Latinos, Indigenous Latinos, and other Latinos in the next U.S. Census and other federal agencies.

The coalition of Afro-Latino activists, scholars and organizations are launching a campaign “Latino/Hispanic is Not a Race” ( /, which they hope will educate about why the proposal to combine Hispanic origin and race into one question will lead to erasure and impact the accurate count of Afro-Latinos and ultimately negatively impact the distribution of resource to vulnerable communities.

The coalition includes Dr. Nancy López, Dr. Tanya Katerí Hernández, Dr. Thomas LaVeist as well as Encuentro Diaspora Afro, AfroResistance, AfroLatinx Travel, the International Society of Black Latinos, the Black Latinas Know Collective, the DC Afro Latino Caucus, IamNegrx, the Puentes Collective, the AfroLatine Theology Project & the afrolatin@ forum.

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